How to know if you need a firm or soft mattress

These days mattresses come in a variety of sizes and comfort levels to fit your sleep needs and finding the best mattress for you is essential for best sleep every night. One of the most confusing considerations is whether you need a firm, medium or soft mattress. Hopefully, this will help you understand the difference and pick the perfect mattress.

Comfort and support

Mattresses have comfort layers and support layers. The support layers are meant to keep your body in a sleep position that offers spinal alignment and supports your back’s natural curvature.

Comfort layers are added onto the support core for a more comfortable sleeping surface.

Firm mattresses generally have fewer or thinner layers for comfort and soft mattresses often have multiple and thicker layers of foam for extra comfort.

This explains why you don’t necessarily need a firm mattress for proper support, particularly if you suffer from back pain. The right combination of comfort and support layers depend on your personal needs.Comfort level is often determined on your preferred sleep position. Generally, side sleepers prefer a soft mattress, stomach sleepers a firm mattress, and back sleepers opting for an in-between medium firmness.

To determine whether you need a firm or soft mattress, you need to find one where your spine is aligned in its natural position when you’re in your preferred sleep style. This is because proper spine alignment allows your lungs to take in more oxygen, increasing circulation and relieving joint and muscle pains.

When your body relaxes during sleep, it is necessary that your bones have some resistance. On a firmer mattress, rather than relying on your muscles, your bones are forced to support your body. This allows your muscles to relax, which improves circulation. This mattress also prevents your lower back from sinking into the mattress and this helps to prevent back pain.

A softer mattress can give you the comfort and cushion you need as it conforms to joints and the spine, providing you with enough cushion and support.

At the end of the day, don’t let other people’s opinion dictate whether you buy a firm or soft mattress. Instead, visit a specialist mattress retailer and try out a few options to find your dream mattress.

Get the sleep your body needs

A solid, comfortable bed is key to getting enough sleep. Sealy has a choice of comfort and support systems to suit your personal preference. Take the time to find the bed that is right for you.

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